2 cups rice flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups fresh coconut milk or 1 can coconut milk
1 teaspoon anise (optional)
banana leaf as liners (optional)


Put the rice flour, baking powder, sugar, and salt together in a bowl and mix well. Add the coconut milk.  Combine well with a whisk. Pour on a muffin pan with individual molds or in a rectangular or square baking pan or a 14"  X  10" rectangular muffin pan with 12 individual molds. Sprinkle anise evenly on top.

Steam for 25 minutes in a 14" wok or a steamer filled halfway with water. Cover with a lid. Wrap the lid with a cotton material to avoid moisture dripping on the puto. Remove lid and let cool after steaming.  

*This steamed rice cake is good to eat with Dinuguan, a savory Filipino Pig's Blood Stew or just by itself as a snack. 


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